Monthly Archives: September 2011

Be Careful, but don’t let it become too fragile

Treat Hearts Kindly!

via (piccsy)


via (Inspiration Basket)

via (feelingabitartsy)





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Pigs are the only animals that consider us their equals; dogs look up to us (I don’t care…they still are man’s best friend) cats look down on us (cunts). Pigs also have 30 minute orgasms…. I respect that!

Less than three …. and some inspiration

Wow! I love this song…. It makes me happy and hopeful


You have to move it, move it!

I love running, I even have a water bottle which I take with me just about everywhere that announces this very love of mine. However, my love has taken a toll on my knees….whaaaaaamp whaaaaaaaaamp….. I hate swimming I feel like I’m suffocating, but in my quest to be one of those happy, positive, optimists one that makes gin and tonics when given lemons, I am finding new types of interesting exercises.

While perusing, Gwenyth Platrow’s blog, I came across the wonderful and talented Tracy Anderson, trainer to the stars. I’ve been doing her workouts even though they’re indoor workouts I enjoy them and recommend that you try them.

I particularly enjoy this arms video but you can find many more of her videos on the interwebs, particularly youtube.

Monsier le Poo-say…

I have recently proclaimed my love for Grey’s Anatomy. In the most recent episodes the leading men in the show refuse to speak to their wives because these wives haven’t done exactly what their husbands wanted. While I do support communication in relationships, I have the utmost respect for women who do what they want.

Last year the boy I had loved with all of my heart decided to ignore me to the point that if I was in front of him, he would not so much as look at me. And for an embarrassingly long time, actually until recently… maybe even a little now, I missed him. In the past year he’s had two girlfriends and looks completely in love with the most recent (facebook pictures from friends we have in common… I’m not proud)…. anywho, when I have seen him with each of these girls, I’ve backtracked a couple of hundred steps and I feel as though I’ve been kicked in the heart. As a rational lady, I say to myself, “stop being such an idiot, this guy treated you like absolute shit, and you don’t deserve that.” The thing is the being treated like shit part came out of nowhere, a complete surprise that I still don’t understand given what was there before….

But I have come to realize that I am being completely selfish and punishing myself with my scooping (facebook stalking…whatever you want to call it). If he came back to me, though the part of me that misses him would want to, I would not take him back. So why don’t I want him to move on? Perhaps because I still want to hold onto it just a bit longer, even the bad part to tell myself that if it means this much to me, it’ll mean something to him. Also, because I want him to be sorry for the way that he treated me. However, I will never hear “I’m Sorry” from him because it’s not easy to admit that you’ve terribly wronged someone. And as captain of one of the many Monsier le poo-say teams out there, I know he will never be able to. Hopefully at one time though, he at least thought about saying it. But it is also easy to romanticize the relationship once it’s gone…

Anywho, I feel that I am in the final stages of an Adele album, which makes me happy because I love her and because I have come to the realization that I never want to see him again. I will stop snooping because I’m only hurting myself.

In Grey’s the husbands finally come around and support their wives. While this boy and I were nowhere near marriage, and most likely he has long moved on, I have to accept that he will never come around.

While it may be silly and a stupid girl thing to say, we do all want to be loved and I hope to find someone in the future that will be much more of a man. In the mean-time its fun times in Spain for me. I am a much better individual after having crossed paths with this guy.

Also, I believe that communication can save a relationship, so share yourself with the person you love because they want to know what’s up or down.

Lots of Guilty Pleasures OR Just Bad Taste?

My Guilty Pleasures

These are in the order in which they pop into my head… not in the amount of satisfaction they provide…. though I do heart Grey’s!

  1. Grey’s Anatomy
  2. LMFAO, Niki Minaj among other jejune pop artists/songs
  3. using the term, “Monsier le Poo-say”—which is not grammatically correct–in any language, just funny in reference to people who are giant cowards.
  4. Chocolate, in any of its divine forms (ice cream, truffles, etc.)
  5. McDonalds chocolate dipped cones, and cheeseburgers (these have a unique synthetic taste that my taste buds just revel in.
  6. Illamasqua–nail polish, apparently it’s “make-up for your alter-ego”…. I’m not exactly sure what this says about my personality but they have amazing colors.
  7. Coffee, like chocolate, I ❤ it in all its shapes and sizes!
  8. Being comfortable…. If it’s not comfortable I can’t wear it. In fact, if I have to wear pants (the American meaning of pants), I have to take ’em off the second I get home… I simply can’t be confined…
  9. Wine! Good RED wine.
  10. Gin and Tonics
  11. Travelling!!!!

This list WILL be continued… Share YOUR guilty pleasures with me, I won’t tell anyone 😉

This is how we’re different…

As a person who loves evolutionary psychology, sometimes the differences are just simple. This is from a bar in Ecuador.

Because I’m a human not a sandwich

Sexy and I know it…. the new song by lmfao, part of my obnoxious side! Enjoy!

Nom Noms

Given my recent unemployment I have begun doing demos at a variety of stores, ones I don’t usually frequent. However, it has turned into a fun social experiment:

  • Today one man tried to sell me HIS very own product for 25 minutes, he also offered to call me to remind me…. Just take your sample and a coupon…
  • The product I promote is an “ethnic” food, when I offered it to a man he yelled at me about the location of hamburgers, steak, and cheese….. I don’t know sir, maybe they’re in your fat ass– but I didn’t say that
  • I love it when some ladies say, “mmm, girl, Yea I try some!” or anything with “mmmmm, girl”
  • Hoop earrings, I’ve seen a lot of these and I love them and now I want a bigger pair!
  • I mostly love, love, luuuuuuuuuuv  the suspicious looks, sometimes confused looks I get from some people….. I’M JUST OFFERING YOU FOOD!!!!
  • A woman wearing an “I ❤ Boobies ….. I<3 Boobies” Belt

Seed Bombing… A Green Revolution!!!

Grab a seed, make a clay and soil mixture, insert the seed into a small compressed ball of said concoction; theeeen, throw it over fences, garages, leave it anywhere and everywhere in your city.

The clay will absorb water from sprinklers and rain (if that happens where you live) and vwolah, the seed will be grow into a big beautiful tree or at least sprout. Pretty much it’s what the kids are into these days, and I for one am impressed and will try it with avocado seeds. As an avocado aficionado I do believe there could always be more avocados in the world!!! I’m going to do my bit to help!