Category Archives: Happiness

Feel Better, without Butter!— But really take a peak

Step 1: Print this picture and hang it over your desk.

Step 1: Print this picture and hang it over your desk.
Source: epic4chan

Step 2: Be uplifted by this inspiring corgi cross stitch.

Step 2: Be uplifted by this inspiring corgi cross stitch.

Step 3: Feel pretty.

Step 3: Feel pretty.

Step 4: Imagine you are this penguin.

Step 4: Imagine you are this penguin.

Step 5: Feel empowered.

Step 5: Feel empowered.

Step 6: Remember that these dogs are on your side.

Step 6: Remember that these dogs are on your side.

Step 7: And this dog with a goat will fight for you as well.

Step 7: And this dog with a goat will fight for you as well.

Step 8: Be happy that you aren’t one of these people.

Step 8: Be happy that you aren't one of these people.

Step 9: Be happy that these are not your taco shells.

Step 9: Be happy that these are not your taco shells.

Step 10: Hey look, Johnny Depp had to iron cheese sandwiches too!

Step 10: Hey look, Johnny Depp had to iron cheese sandwiches too!

Step 11: Allow yourself to enjoy these pictures of dogs.

Step 11: Allow yourself to enjoy these pictures of dogs.

Step 12: Look at this cat riding a rooster.

Step 12: Look at this cat riding a rooster.

Step 13: Look at this hedgehog wearing a tiny hat.

Step 13: Look at this hedgehog wearing a tiny hat.

Lose Weight by EATING!!!! All day err’day

Just kidding, but you should watch this video because it’ll make you happy and being happy makes you look pretty/handsome!!/live-cams/player/service-puppy-cam

Mu$ik Moan-Day

It’s Monday again, Welcome!

In the words of Alanis Morissette, “Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think” that we spend our youth wanting to be older, and our adulthood desperately holding on to any traces of youth.

Anyway, my point is I discovered this website from a younger much cooler individual. (I’d like to think not that much younger– though when we were in elementary school I constantly reminded her how much older I was)

Also, the dollar sign in the name was inspired by Drake– I don’t really know why, it just was.  Check it out! It’s pretty cool.

the man makes the clothes, the clothes make the man

Clothes Make the Man. Naked People have little to no influence on society. -Mark Twain

My friend introduced me to this awesome blog , by a super fly chick. When you’re hot shit like she is, who cares if you repel men.  I’d like to think that’s the reason I repel them… ?

Anywho, she posted this pic:

It got me to thinking….Others treat you differently based on how you are dressed. Even you treat yourself differently and interact differently based on how you are dressed. So dress the best you can. Don’t spend $400 on an Isabel Marant shirt but let your personality show in your clothes.

I envy hipsters with their ironic mustaches and cute overalls. Neither of those has ever looked good on me…. such is life, maybe one day I’ll stop waxing my mustache and bring out my overalls from the fifth grade…..

If you didn’t know how old you were….How old would you think you were?

aksfjaskljfa! Does this make sense?

Sometimes when I see “Age: 24” I’m SHOCKED! :$   I realize I’m not actually old, though my knee does pop out from time to time, but when did 24 happen?

I believe that how old you look has little to do with the way you physically look but more with your overall demeanor. Sure, you can meet someone and say 43, but when they share themselves with you, you think wow 25 and you can no longer see what made you think 43 (besides that bald spot) …. jokes :/  . Karma, please don’t give me a bald spot for having written that….

That being said, i would rather act 5 than 15, and I would rather be 24 than 15 because though I still constantly have verbal diarrhea…. oh fuck how’d that dumb shit come out of my mouth? …. I am more comfortable with myself and I am more in control of my decisions. The key to looking 20 at 27 (besides eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables!!!! SERIOUSLY, eat the fucking broccoli it’s the best thing for you) is to feel like you are five. Did you care what anyone thought about you when you were five. Nope! You probably danced anywhere you wanted and ran naked through fountains. Give yourself equal freedom now. Now that you can choose to eat ice cream for breakfast (but remember we’re trying to live to 140 so have oatmeal instead) choose to act the way you want to, not the way you perceive other people want you to. Because they probably don’t give a rat’s ass or even worse a rat’s tail…ew!

I originally started to write this because I really like this, it’s a magazine for teenagers and has a lot of great advice that I can still relate to. One of my favorite articles is about how some of the funniest ladies on the telly lost their virginity. I admire and appreciate their youthful honesty. Check it out here.


A diamond is coal under pressure – my yoga gal


There’s a wonderful girl in Long Beach who holds Yoga classes every Saturday and Sunday by the beach. Classes are free, but of course donations are included and well earned!

I absolutely adore her energy and teaching style, plus she always has all these really deep inspirational phrases to get you through the poses and life.

Though it may not seem so, Yoga is difficult! Today my back is sore and it feels so good! — That’s probably the point that Yoga like life can sometimes seem so easy to the outside but to the individual doing each pose, going through each motion there’s a bit more going on.

Anyway, I love this picture! Remember if you’re going through something difficult a diamond is coal under pressure; you’re on your way to becoming a diamond.


Dream Catcher, Jewelry Snatcher

This is a GREAT idea! Easy peasy.

Check out the Free People blog for great DIY’s and inspiration, click here.

Enjoy your marshmallows


It’s hard to believe it but I only have two months and a half left in Seville, Spain. I’m only just now starting to feel settled with my life here. I realize that I should take it all in and enjoy the moment but it’s just so difficult to not think of the future. Since childhood, this “think ahead” ideology has been engraved in my mind.

A popular  psychology study involves placing a marshmallow in front of a child, telling him or her that he/she can eat the marshmallow immediately or wait 15 minutes and then have two marshmallows. It’s a huge struggle for the child . However these children were interviewed years later and the children who waited to eat the marshmallow at a young age were more successful, healthier individuals in their adulthood. Were these individuals happy with all of their success or were they always thinking of the future. Was the present marred by the future for them?

Don’t get me wrong the future is super important but once we’ve learned to wait for the second marshmallow is it possible to enjoy the time in between?

Simply lovely


Again I have been terrible at checking with my blog there is really no excuse except my laziness.


A very bad blogger

Hello Family,

I have been a terrible blogger, neglecting this blog for what seems like months.

During my time away I have been to Amsterdam and Prague. I LOVED these two places. I spent Christmas in Valladolid with my friend B. On the 27th of December I flew right on over to Amsterdam. I got into the city at around 9pm. I was completely taken aback by the beauty, lights, extravagant architecture, EVERYTHING!

I did an insane amount of walking in Amsterdam and it’s surrounding villages.

I met a Chinese guy who only spoke chinese and german. So after 5 years since taking german in high-school, I spoke German for a day and a half!!!!

I started this post almost a month ago and never managed to finish because I’m an insanely busy or hungover little bee.

But I don’t want to neglect my blog any longer!

Last night I saw a flamenco show. It was amazing, full of passion and fervor. I also pierced my nose!!! I’m pretty sure the Spanish guy piercing my nose thinks American girls are crazy. I went with my friend, who also got her nose pierced and we were both freaking out like little boys….

But we managed and now my nose hurts a little.

More posts to come very soon!!!
